Tuesday, August 28, 2012


the past couple of days have been kind of down-days. just work as usual on the farm. yesterday lance requested biscuits for breakfast because tracy went to work early to open the store since it was a chilean holiday! sadly the only non gluten free flour in the house was not regular all-purpose flour so the biscuits didn’t get nice and fluffy but they were still delicious with homemade peanut butter and fresh honey! and we made fruit salad with these delicious melons they call sweet cucumber

we spent the morning again with me chopping logs and truckee digging. then we ventured over to the neighbor’s place up the road to pick up eggs. except it was kind of a failed mission. no one was home and we didn’t think we were supposed to just march into the chicken coop and take the eggs so we just hung out with the dogs and chickens

and these funny little guinea hens that were like guard birds. they squawked their heads off when they saw us coming up on the property.

that house has five dogs that all run out to greet us and sometimes tag along when we take our dogs for walks. this tiny black one has the funniest face and runs up and rolls all over your feet when you walk up

the rest of the day was spent making dinner and cleaning up around the house and cabin. we actually got a nice roaring fire started in there and hung out reading and stuff before bed! tracy usually goes to flamenco classes on wednesdays and we were excited to go with her, but sadly class was canceled because of the holiday. oh well, she still taught us a few fun steps.

today was another pretty laid-back lazy day, we went round two on collecting the eggs from the neighbors (it turns out the lady put them in her greenhouse for us to get but tracy just forgot to let us know). we brought jack and sam but delilah wasn’t too keen on the idea of a walk so early in the morning. she stood on the stairs and stared at me when i asked if she wanted to go on a walk and then just turned around and raced back up to her bed.

we working in the greenhouse for a lot of the morning, tracy told me to wipe off all the baby seedlings and talk to them, so they listened to my ipod with me. i think they like the smiths too. tracy and lance went into town until late and truckee and i had to be home because the new washing machine was getting delivered! we are so excited to do laundry finally. the delivery guys came and unloaded the machine but then got stuck in the mud in the driveway for about half an hour. we didn’t really know how to help but we gave them a shovel and kinda watched. they worked it out. the day ended with movie watching and apple pie baking—a very cozy evening. 

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