Wednesday, August 15, 2012


so we survived the 10-hour bus ride through the night and guess what…we both slept through the whole.entire.thing. it was amazing! and they gave us little snack packs, one when we first got on with a “pizza-flavored” sandwich (i have no idea) and the other at about 5 am with an apple flavored cookie and mango juice! anyways we almost got off at the wrong stop but thankfully the bus driver knew where we were supposed to go and shooed us back on. (i think andrés told him we would probably be incompetent). we got to pucón and started lugging our bags to the école hostel which tracy and lance (the people who we are staying with for the next few weeks) are part owners of. a little dog greeted us right off the bus and followed us all the way to the hostel, barking at and chasing every single car and person that went by. our little protector i guess. but we got to école, threw our bags in a room, took showers and had the best breakfast ever. the hostel doubles as a vegetarian restaurant and i got an omelet with the vegetables of the day. i had no idea what was in there but it was delicious. everything was organic and local, right down to the eggs and honey. my kind of place. lance was supposed to pick us up around 2 that afternoon so we had the whole morning to explore downtown pucón. we started in école – it was the cutest place, all wood with splashes of purple and green

this was the inside of the restaurant part

all the dishes were made of this cool clay. the red spice is called merkél and is the local smoked chili powder. soooo good.

and the key to our room – “arrayán”. they were all named after different types of trees

our tiny room! they only charged us a little because it wasn’t overnight, then even less because we didn’t get inside the beds, and then even less because we said we were staying with tracy and lance. score.

there was a super cool garden and patio area out back but it was raining so we didn’t get to see too much of it

we walked down the main street of pucón, it reminded both of us of a ski town in colorado or somewhere like that. apparently pucón is the tourist destination so there are a lot of places offering hiking, skiing, kayaking, etc. excursions. we stopped in a café to get some tea and hide from the rain and quickly realized that it’s common practice to smoke in cafes. a lot.

walking back to école we found some cute little windmill fan things…and then there was this:

we got back to the hostel and waited for lance, he picked us up, and drove us about 15 minutes out of town to his and tracy’s beautiful house! they live up a windy road near the los nevados national park. when we got there we were greeted by tracy, andy, (who is another wwoofer whose working time overlaps with ours), and the dogs! there are three of them, this is sam.

we set our stuff up in our little cabin which will be home for the next 2 and a half weeks or so

and andy showed us a little bit around the property. it was getting dark and there wasn’t much work left to do so we just took the dogs on a walk. we were joined by some of the neighbor’s dogs on the way, including this huge one named blancita

there are a lot of dogs in chile so expect to see many many photos of them. i just can’t resist.

tracy took truckee, andy and i to the hot springs later that night and it was amazing. sadly i didn’t bring my camera so i guess it stays a mystery but we just hung out for a couple of hours. it was a nice welcome to the farm. when we got home andy showed us how to start the fire in our cabin, our only source of heat in this 10 degree weather! hopefully we get it eventually…

but the cabin is cozy and it is our first night sleeping in an actual bed since monday night so cheers to a good sleep.

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