Thursday, August 16, 2012

today was our first full day on the farm! it consisted of a lot of andy working and truckee and i standing and watching. we were learning by example…plus he said he didn’t mind, he just enjoyed the company because he has been on the farm for about a month now and said it got pretty lonely. andy came down to chile in february of this year, and lived up in the north teaching english until early july when he came down here to los nevados.  he is just waiting it out until september when he has a job even further down south being a yoga teacher and bike tour guide.

but anyways the day started off with a run. or more like an attempted run. after about ten minutes we all realized running uphill at such a high elevation when its less than ten degrees out isn’t the same as running back at home. so it turned into a nice morning walk. then came breakfast of champions in the cabin: cornflakes! i have to say i can’t remember the last time i had cornflakes and they actually tasted pretty good.  we have a little outdoor kitchen attached to the cabin where we keep mostly just our breakfast food but its so cold outside it also works as a kind of second fridge for the house.

to go with our cereal andy made us tea from some dried mint leaves and a handy little electric tea kettle.

then we headed down to the greenhouses and started working! first came compost. and there was A LOT of compost. basically for a few hours we sifted through dirt to get the good stuff, and threw the rest back in the bin to keep on compostin’.

there was lots of good stuff in there. it smelled awesome.

apparently it took us far longer to get through all of it because truckee and i didn’t want to squish the worms on the metal grid the dirt went through. no worm murderers here!

we took a quick lunch break out in the cabin kitchen and made eggs and toast with avocado, honey, and homemade peanut butter. simple but de-lish. it was fun cooking on the little camping stove too.

andy just became a vegetarian in the beginning of the year but he doesn’t know how to cook anything so we started his lessons with scrambled eggs.

after lunch we went back to work, this time making a trellis sort of thing for flowers to climb up in the greenhouse. all of tracy’s outdoor greenhouses and the wood shed are build of this wood called colihue that kind of looks like bamboo

we also harvested cabbage and kale, hoping to use some if it for dinner.

the workday was over around 5 and we showered and got ready to cook! but first lance called us up onto the deck to see this beautiful sunset. he said los nevados was giving us a proper welcome

it was also a pretty clear day today, unlike yesterday so we could see the view of the two volcanos. this is llaima:

the big one that is closer is called villarrica but i didn’t get a photo today. hopefully we will get to hike up villarrica while we are here, andy did it and said it was amazing.

for dinner we made a sort of fancy tomato soup with carrots and some of the cabbage we picked earlier, and we topped it with avocado!

we also made gluten-free apple crisp for dessert (tracy can’t have gluten), but that didn’t last long enough for a picture.

truckee and andy were appalled that i have never seen lord of the rings so after dinner we got comfy in the cabin to watch it on the laptop but i fell asleep about 30 minutes in. i got in trouble, and it earned me the nickname “dozer” because i guess i’m one of “those people” who falls asleep during movies. oops. it isn’t my fault, it was a long day!

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