Tuesday, September 11, 2012


we went on an amazing hike today! there is tons of hiking around el bolson, as you can probably imagine with all the mountains surrounding it. but augustin told us about a hidden trail that leads to a waterfall. of course we had to do it. he gave us a funny hand-drawn map and we were off. our first obstacle was this indiana jones bridge.

it was fine and held up though. then we came across a really cool looking cemetery

and the rest of the trail after that was trudging through mud, ducking under branches, scrambling over mossy boulders, and rock-hopping across the river.

it was so worth it though because look what we saw!

the rest of the hike looped through a campground (slides and swingset included, so naturally we had to take a break to be little kids for 10 minutes)

and then around through the woods and back down to town. the woods we went through were duende infested as told to us by the trail sign, but unfortunately we didn’t catch any. the view from the top was once again beautiful.

we got some snacks at a funny flea market by the river which seemed to just consist of people throwing the contents of their closets on the curb and trying to sell their clothes. then we had veggie burgers for dinner, and headed back into town to see what was going on for the night.

apparently no one gets out and about in argentina until about midnight but we were way too sleepy so we got some ice cream and walked back home. andy realized he left his debit card in the atm earlier that day and for a bit we were scared he wouldn’t be able to come to san martín with us to ski but then he remembered it expired the very next day anyways so it all worked out!

we packed up all our stuff when we got back to the hostel because we're leaving really early in the morning. we said goodbye to nina, the little cat that kept invading our cabin, and this funny crazy little puppy that also lived there. to san martín!

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